Bathing pool route. Route 3 Santa Pau

This route takes you to some of the little-known bathing pools around Santa Pau. This walk also links to the route that visits some of the local natural springs.

  • Modality
    • By foot
  • Region
    • Garrotxa
  • Towns
    • Santa Pau
  • Time
    • Between 3 and 4 hours
  • Difficulty
    • Medium
  • Estimated duration
    • 3h15min
  • Distance
    • 10,6 Km
  • Hide elevation maximum
    • 500m
  • Hide elevation minimum
    • 361m
  • Ascent
    • 158m
  • Descent
    • 158m

Start in the square La Plaça de Baix, Itinerànnia signpost G29 Santa Pau, and head for the bathing pool, ‘Gorg de Caga-rates (20min)’. Walk through the Cases Noves street and down to the signpost G126 Camí Doma. Continue straight on towards ‘Gorg de Caga-rates (15min)’.
After leaving behind the nal houses of the village, pick up a footpath. Pass over a bridge, pont d’Instints, and continue through the pastures as far as signpost SP1 El Pujol. Here, turn left and into the elds. Cross the elds to reach the river Ser, which you can cross on some basalt steppingstones.
Turn right and follow the path that will take you on your right to the bathing pool, Gorg de caga-rates.
Continue along the path next to the river. Pass the water treatment plant and continue until the yellow Itinerànnia waymarking points you across the river. Immediately you will come to signpost SP2 Can Poteí; here, turn right and follow the signs towards another bathing pool, ‘Gorg Blau (15min)’. Pick up the small metalled road that heads towards the Santuari dels Arcs.
A little before reaching the sanctuary, turn left and leave the metalled road. Pick up a dirt track, pass by an oakwood, Roureda de Pratdevall, and continue straight on. Cross the stream and immediately on your left you will see Gorg Blau.
Once you have visited the bathing pool, head back to signpost SP2 Can Poteí and follow the signs towards Can Batlle (40min). Cross the GI-524 Santa Pau-Mieres road and walk into the Cal Patxet campsite. On the other side, leave the campsite and cross a stream, Riera de Sant Martí, on a wooden footbridge. Follow the yellow waymarking as far as signpost SP3 Pla del Molí, where you should turn right to reach within a few metres signpost SP4 Molí Nou, we continue straight on, along this stretch of road, in addition to the yellow marks of Itinerànnia we also find the white and red ones, it is a section of the GR2.

We walk along this dirt track, after about a kilometer we can visit we find the Pedra del Diable: A menhir (basalt block about 2.80 m high and 0.80 m wide) in an upright position . Monument to the megalithic culture, built, therefore, between the Middle Neolithic and Chalcolithic (mid-4th and late 3rd millennium BC).

We always continue along the same track, in some sections it is paved, and after another kilometer (about 15 minutes) we reach the gorge of Can Batlle, where we find the SP24 junction, which shows us the way to the gorge.

Once refreshed, head back to signpost  SP4 Molí Nou et SP3 Pla del Molí and continue towards Santa Pau . On this stretch you follow the old cart trail that once linked Santa Pau to Mieres. You reach signpost G28 Can Coderc, where you can turn right to visit the church of Sant Martí in just 20 minutes go and back.
To return straight to Santa Pau, however, turn left along a dirt track that heads through fields and pastures and crosses the GI-524 road again. Continue along a minor road and, just before crossing the river Ser, turn right and pass by a number of basalt columns. Cross over the wooden footbridge and climb up to enter the village through the old walls and back to your starting point.

ATTENTION! Due to the large influx, the Santa Pau City Council has activated a Pre-booking system to access the pools of the Sant Martí stream.

You have to make a PREBOOKING

The car park is located at of the GI-524, to access the pools from this point, the way we will find an indicator of the pools.

If we go to the right we can access the pool of can Batlle

If we go to the left we can access at the other pools that we propose in this route. To follow the route you have to look at the yellow markings painted on the road. After walking for a while, we find the SP4 Molí Nou continue and we will find the SP3 Pla del Molí pole, we take the direction to the left towards Santa Pau through the pools. after passing the campsite we will cross the road and find the junction SP2 Can Poteí, to go to the gorg Blau we have to go straight on and after a while turn left always following the yellow markings. To go to Caga-rates we will take the direction to the right also always following the yellow markings.

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