From l'hostal de la Vall del Bac to Sant Andreu de Porreres by la torre. Ruta 2 Vall dels Sentits

Itinerary that brings us to the zone of la Vall del Bac and Alta Garrotxa (Garrotxan Highlands), where we come across sites of great natural interest and wonderful landscapes.

  • Modality
    • By foot
  • Region
    • Garrotxa
  • Towns
    • Vall de Bianya, La
  • Time
    • Between 3 and 4 hours
  • Difficulty
    • Medium
  • Estimated duration
    • 3h
  • Distance
    • 8,2 km
  • Hide elevation maximum
    • 888
  • Hide elevation minimum
    • 571
  • Ascent
    • 341
  • Descent
    • 341
  • Thematic
    • Parishes Alta Garrotxa routes
    • Rutes Vall del sentits (Vall de Bianya)

The itinerary begins at the old Hostal de la Vall del Bac, crossing G2, where there is a wide parking space along with a freshwater spring to gather water before commencing our hike. We follow the directions indicated towards Sant Miquel de la Torre.

We start our hike at the old Hostal de la Vall del Bac, which at this moment in time is closed, but has always been a historic staging post and meeting place. We take the dirt track which runs behind the hostal and bear left in the direction of Cal Ferrer and the old Vall del Bac school. To the right we can see the Coromina and Can biel manor houses.

A short distance further on, we come across the signpost VB4, veering towards the left in the direction of Sant Miquel de la Torre to cross the Vall del Bac brook. At times of heavy rain it's better to go over the bridge at Cal Ferrer and then turn left to get back on the track, now on the other side of the river.

The dirt track carries on up until it reaches la Torre de la Vall del Bac. La torre's history is linked to the knigthood family of Bac or Desbac who lived there and also possessed properties in the zone. Alongside the manor house we find the church of Sant Miquel de la torre.

We continue our hike by passing the cemetery and crossing the fiels to find a footpath that goes through the forest. After crossing a small river we begin the hardest part of the nike, which leads us to Sant Andreu de Porreres, sheltered between the peaks of Puig Ou and el Talló. Sant Andreu de Porreres was once the main temple of the parish of la Vall del Bac, its first documented reference being 946.

Getting back to the hike we carry on down the dirt track , we come across la Coma manor house, a short distance further down, before we reach the main road and signpost VB5, we can observe the ruins of the old Molí de la Coma, turning to the left we see el Pages manor house.

At this point if we take a footpath crossing the fields to the right we can get to the bridge of the Esquellerincs, in recent years being re-inhabited. 

From here goes left to arrive the main road until we arrive back at our starting point, at Hostal de la Vall del Bac.

Contents, illustrations and photographs Ajuntament de la Vall de Bianya