Healthy walk Sant Ferriol long hike

  • Modality
    • By foot
  • Region
    • Garrotxa
  • Towns
    • Sant Ferriol
  • Time
    • Less than 3 hours
  • Difficulty
    • Easy
  • Estimated duration
    • 1h50min
  • Distance
    • 5,53 km
  • Hide elevation maximum
    • 305m
  • Hide elevation minimum
    • 214m
  • Ascent
    • 88m
  • Descent
    • 88m
  • Thematic
    • Healthy walks

This route does not follow the Itinerànnia network of trails, you must follow the signs of the healthy itineraries of the Dipsalut.

The route starts on the Comtal road, before reaching the residential area at the same crossroad as the short healthy route, but when the short healthy route turns left, ours continues along the road towards the residential area. We skirt the hotel and go right and then left. We take the path to Ossinyà, having passed Ossinyà we take a path to Sant Fruitós. Several hundred metres on, we find a marked path of the GR2 and Itinerànnia, we follow this marked path, a few metres on we turn right and continue following the marked route to Sant Fruitós. We continue along this path, the GR2 and Itinerànnia will follow a track to the left, but we continue along the path until we reach the Comtal road, where we started the route.