Natural spring route. Route 4 Santa Pau
This route takes you to three natural springs that the people from Santa Pau have cared for and tended for many years.This walk also links to the route that visits some of the local bathing pools.
- By foot
- Garrotxa
- Santa Pau
- Less than 3 hours
- Easy
Estimated duration
- 1h25min
- 5Km
Hide elevation maximum
- 500m
Hide elevation minimum
- 423m
- 91m
- 91m
Start in the square La Plaça de Baix , signpost G29 Santa Pau, and head towards Font Calenta. Walk through Cases Noves street and down to the signpost G126 Camí Doma. Continue straight on towards La Font Calenta.
After leaving behind the final houses of the village, pick up a footpath. Pass over a bridge, Pont d’Instints, signpost SP16 and continue through the pastures as far as signpost SP1 El Pujol. Here, turn left and into the fields. Cross the fields to reach the river Ser, which you can cross on some basalt stepping-stones, crossroads SP17 Sobre caga-rates. Turn right and continue alongside the stream. Pass the water treatment plant SP18 and continue until the yellow Itinerànnia waymarking points you across the river. Here you will find the spring Font Calenta.
Once past the spring you come to signpost SP2 Can Poteí, where you should turn left towards Font Fresca del Patxet.
Cross the GI-524 Santa Pau-Mieres road and walk into the Cal Patxet campsite. On the other side, leave the campsite and cross a stream, Riera de Sant Martí, on a wooden footbridge to the next spring, Font Fresca del Patxet.
After visiting the spring, continue until you come to signpost SP3 Pla del Molí, where you should turn right; within a few metres you will reach signpost SP4 Molí Nou, where you should head for Font de Bernadal.
Continue along the dirt track until you reach signpost SP5 Camí de la Clota; here, turn left following the yellow waymarking and in a minute you will come to the spring.
After visiting the spring, return to signpost SP3 Pla del Molí and head towards Santa Pau. On this stretch you follow the old cart trail that once linked Santa Pau to Mieres. You reach signpost G28 Can Coderc. If you whera at right can visit Sant Martí church. The route is 20 min more or less (back and forth)
You should turn left and walk alongside fields and pastures until you reach the GI-524 road again. Continue along a minor road and, just before crossing the river Ser, turn right and pass by a number of basalt columns. Cross over the footbridge and climb up to enter the village through the old walls and back to your starting point crossing the plaça Major.
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