Route around the fir wood. Route 17 Vall de Ribes

A very cool route through the shady part of Planoles and with plenty of water, perfect for doing in the summer. The visit to roca Aguda is spectacular: if you venture to clamber up it you
will be able to enjoy the views.

  • Modality
    • By foot
  • Region
    • Ripollès
  • Towns
    • Planoles
  • Time
    • Between 3 and 4 hours
  • Difficulty
    • High
  • Estimated duration
    • 3h10min
  • Distance
    • 7,4 Km
  • Hide elevation maximum
    • 1.746m
  • Hide elevation minimum
    • 1.251m
  • Ascent
    • 485m
  • Descent
    • 485m
  • Thematic
    • Vall de Ribes routes

A very cool route through the shady part of Planoles and with plenty of water, perfect for doing in the summer. The visit to roca Aguda is spectacular: if you venture to clamber up it you
will be able to enjoy the views. The millstone and the Cometa Stream Fir Tree, protected as a monumental tree, complement the excursion. We have to respect the cattle fences we find
along the way and keep pets on a leash. This fir wood, which is the last one in the southern slopes of the Pyrenees before reaching the Mediterranean, contains a large number of
animal and plant species, and for this reason it forms part of the Space of Natural Interest of the Montgrony Range.

We set out from the car park of cal Gasparó, at the Pl1 crossing, and quickly take the path leading to roca Aguda. Here there is a sign informing us that we are in a protected natural
zone. We continue towards the fir wood, which we will reach in around an hour. We cross the stream and pass alongside the craggy rock, which can be scrambled up, and we
continue upwards, with steep slopes in some sections, beside the Aspre stream. We pass by the Millstone, wondering how it came to be here, and by the protected monumental fir tree.
We walk on for around 45 minutes more and some to the Pl2 crossing under the Coma Ermada.

In another 15 minutes we reach coll Roig. Higher up we come to a fork: the path to the right leads directly to Coll Roig but we take the left-hand path to the Pla dels Anyells (“lambs’ plain”).
Here we turn right and walk up to a forest path that takes us to coll Roig, where we come to the R154 crossing. At this point we start downhill, parallel to the wire fence, through the Cogulló wood to coll Garroter, from where we start the final section and return to the starting point in around one hour.
To return to cal Gasparó, we take the Pl3 crossing over the Clot de les Vernedes, and in five minutes we are back at the start of the route.