Santa Maria de Finestres Sanctuary et la Palomera iberic. Route 8 Garrotxa

  • Modality
    • By foot
  • Region
    • Garrotxa
  • Towns
    • Sant Aniol de Finestres
  • Time
    • More than 4 hours
  • Difficulty
    • Medium/ High
  • Estimated duration
    • 5h15min
  • Distance
    • 13,5km
  • Hide elevation maximum
    • 842m
  • Hide elevation minimum
    • 358m
  • Ascent
    • 603m
  • Descent
    • 603m

Leave the restaurant Nou Can Tura, in the village of Sant Aniol de Finestres, towards the car park on the paved road. Cross the river by the Llémena’s bridge and  in the crossroad G92 Pont del Llémena turn right following the direction of Mieres by Freixe. You will find the farmhouse “El Castell“ on your right side and about half mile after there is a crossroad G94 El Castellet. At this point, continue along the road on the left and leave the path on the right that leads down to Mas Can Beiera. About half mile after turn left to a path that leaves the paved road. This path crosses the forest always following the yellow marks, we will find several crossings M5 Camí Ral, M4 Serrat del Verdaguer and M3 Ermita del Freixe, we will always continue in the direction of Mieres. After the Freixe we will find the G95 El Freixe junction and we will continue in the direction of Sant Aniol de Finestres (via Santa Maria de Finestres). At this point, turn left along the main track towards Santa Maria de Finestres towards Coll de Pedres Picades up to Coll de la Palomera. Where we find the G91 junction. To go to Talaia and the Iberian town we will follow the path marked on the right, and we will return again to the crossroad G91. From this point you have to continue along the gravel track, leaving the path marked by Itinerànnia, and skirting the bottom of the sanctuary of Finestres until, after half a kilometer, you find a way up to our right that leads to the sanctuary. Once you have visited the sanctuary, follow the path in front of the sanctuary. It leads down to the startingpoint of the route, we found the signalpost G93 Pont del Llémena and returns to Sant Aniol de Finestres.