Xenacs via ''the camí de les Barrincoles''and puig Rodó viewpoint.Route 2 Les Preses

The recreational area of Xenacs in Les Preses provides an atypical view of La Garrotxa and is one of the best places anywhere for getting a bird’seye view of Croscat and the other volcanoes in the area. As well, the height makes it an ideal place

  • Modality
    • By foot
  • Region
    • Garrotxa
  • Towns
    • Preses, Les
  • Time
    • Less than 3 hours
  • Difficulty
    • Medium
  • Estimated duration
    • 1h
  • Distance
    • 1,5Km
  • Hide elevation maximum
    • 838m
  • Hide elevation minimum
    • 476m
  • Ascent
    • 362m
  • Descent
    • 1m

Start in the town’s main square (La Plaça Major), signpost P1 Església de Sant Pere,  and head for ‘Àrea de Xenacs (pel camí de les Barrincoles)’. Follow a metalled road as far as Can Talaia, where you should turn right and start to climb through a field. Shortly, you enter into the forest and pick up a footpath that begins to loop as it climbs.
Following the yellow Itinerànnia waymarking, continue to climb until you reach signpost P2 Xenacs. Here, continue straight on, climb a little more to then reach Xenacs recreational area.
You can return to Les Preses by retracing your steps or by following the route “Xenacs pel volcà Racó” (50min) or the route “camí dels Bous” (1h)

Puig Rodó viewpoint
If you want to walk a little further before descending (around 50 min, there and back), take the route to the vantage point Mirador de Puig Rodó.
Leave P3B Àrea de Xenacs along the track opposite the recreational area that leads into the forest. After dropping down into and then out of a gully (El Clot de les Grípies), take the footpath off left that then zigzags upwards to the top of Puig Rodó (907 m), from where there are magnificent views over La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone.
Descend along the same path.