Third carlinada route. Route 3 Argelaguer
In summer 1873 the Carlines besieged Argelaguer and killed the local councillor Sebastià Costa.
This route will take you to the sites of some of the episodes of the final Carline War.
- By foot
- Garrotxa
- Argelaguer
- Less than 3 hours
- Easy
Estimated duration
- 1h
- 3,5Km
Hide elevation maximum
- 218m
Hide elevation minimum
- 183m
- 42m
- 42m
Start at Argelaguer town hall in the signpost G125 and head towards Tortellà. When you reach signpost A1 Morató, continue straight on along the dirt track. After the tunnel under the A-26 dual carriageway, pick up the footpath that leads on to a metalled road.
From here, follow the yellow Itinerànnia waymarking that will soon lead you to track. Drop down a little and in a few metres you will to come to signpost A3 Torrent del Vinyot. Here, turn right into an area of pastures and pass through a plantation of walnut trees, on the left towards where the battle in the Third Carline War took place.
The three Carline Wars (1833–1839/1846–1849/1872–1876) were fought to decide who would succeed to the throne of Spain. The third war was vividly depicted by the writer, Marian Vayreda, who related his personal experiences in his novel Memories of the last Carline War. He tells in the first person the dramatic story of the important skirmish between the Carlines and Liberals that took place in summer 1873 near Argelaguer as it was besieged by the Carlines. They killed the local councillor Sebastià Costa and then went on to take and burn the neighbouring town of Tortellà on 22 August 1873.
Return along the same path.
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